Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Point Isabel: A Dog Heaven On Earth

This weekend King got to go to the ultimate dog park. Seriously - It's the best in North America! We took the hour drive over the bay to check out the place the Great Dane Meet Up Group will be visiting next weekend cause we wanted to see the place & how the little King would react to it. I had no idea what we were getting into! We could have spent the whole day there! It's very easy to get to & once you're out of the parking area, it's completely off leash. There were hundreds of dogs there, but it's on 23 acres so it wasn't crowded. The dogs can run free along a path, in tree lined grassy knolls, or even take a dip right in the bay! (That's where all the silly labs were even though it was pretty cold out!) Anyway, here's some pics of King having a grand time running around, making new bestest friends, & then eventually posing for some cute pics with Mommy.

Look for new pics next week after King meets up with about 30 Great Danes!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Let’s Make a Band:

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
(you might have to click new random quotes at the bottom)

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

You then take the pic and add your band name
and the album title to it, then post your pic.

Thanks Amy - thanks was kinda fun!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pics of the puppy King...

My friend Sofia's dog Niobe is ill right now in Washington with Parvo. While keeping them in my prayers, here's some current pics of the (thankfully) healthy bouncy baby boy...

King already outgrowing his couch:

King playing with his toy (He LOVES stuffed animals, the bigger the better!):

King outside & dying for someone to come play ball with him:

King posing with Santa, who he kinda wanted to eat cause he's dressed in a fur suit (not unlike all his favorite toys!):

King under the Christmas tree lights:

My roommate Kenny getting King to do some tricks:

Alyssa taking King for a spin on her birthday:

More pics soon I promise - I'm getting the New Years Disneyland pics all sorted through...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Nick Swisher Traded to the White Sox... :-(

Yep it's true. For 3 Triple A-er's no less. At least one of the new kids sounds promising & is fairly cute too! Meet Ryan Sweeney folks...
Let's just pray they have game, & more importantly - heart!
The full article is here...

As you can imagine, I'm sorely disappointed. I think Swish is too: