Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Must people take me so literally?

So Miss Mish Mash informed me that that DorkBloggers are looking for a few good 'Dork Moments' for Friday the Dorkteenth... I just happened to have had one just lastnight:

So, my girlfriends & I have this fun lil habit of referring to our favorites ballplayers as our 'fiancĂ©’s', because, well, we honestly fully intend to marry these sexy super studs someday 'if only'... You know, if only we ever actually met because of course the moment our eyes lock they'll realize there's no other women in the world for them right? My friend Katie is 'engaged' to Huston Street; my roommie Mandy is apparently 'married' to Mr. Timberlake; my roommate Alyssa is 'engaged' to Rich Harden; & I, of course, am 'engaged' to Zito (although I am having quite the imaginary affairs Nick Swisher & Travis Buck!)

Anyway, enough with the background, I'm sure you get it... So lastnight at the bar that I frequent (not exactly often, but enough so the regulars do know me), this one guy that sees me there all the time comes up to me while I was watching the Giant's game. What transpired next I so had coming. My favorite bartendress thought this was pure magic...

Him: "Shouldn't you be at the game?"

Me: "Duh, but I just got off work & besides, my fiancĂ©’s not pitching tonight."

Him: "So it's true, you really are engaged to Zito?"

Me: (choke) "Well, uh, er, um, technically? Oh boy."

Oopsies! I got so embarrassed that I turned red... Now I'm forever known as the


Jennfactor 10 said...

I can totally sympathize about the blushing (and the ever hopeful Sac. Kings, by the way)--I was known as Red for my easy blushes--in spite of the fact that my best friend was the redhead, not me.
Thanks for playing Dorkteenth, and be sure to post your link in the box!

Ash said...

I refer to Steven Tyler as my future second husband. Dorklicious!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I used to do that in high school with hockey players at the Air Force Academy.
It's FUN to do that!

Ahh... I need a happy crush like that.

Sports Princess said...

Amy, I say you find yourself a fun lil crush like that. I bet you're man won't mind... It's like that 'Celebrity To-Do List' that all couples should absolutely have, you know... just in case!

Mary said...

Too funny! Great entry! :D

Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

one of my sisters and I had the Sheen/Esteves all planned out....I can relate....:)